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Manual For Biomass Briquette Machine

Blog 2310

What Is Biomass Briquette Machine

Biomass briquette machines transform biomass materials like sawdust, rice husk, bamboo, and wood chips into rectangular or hexagonal logs for fuel use. To ensure quality, the materials must be less than 5mm in size and contain no more than 12% moisture. Therefore, additional equipment like wood crushers and sawdust dryers are often required.

The formation of sawdust briquettes relies on two key components: lignin and cellulose, both abundantly found in wood.

Lignin doesn’t have a melting point, but it softens at around 180 ℃. When heated to approximately 340℃, and with some pressure applied, lignin bonds with cellulose and neighboring particles, holding them together.

Conditions For Forming Biomass Briquettes


The amount of moisture has a direct effect on the briquetting process and the final product.

Too much moisture can create problems. When heated, it generates a lot of steam that can collect in the center hole of the briquettes, leading to cracks and an uneven structure.

On the other hand, if the materials are too dry, it can be difficult to form briquettes. A small amount of moisture is needed to help the lignin in the material soften and become more plastic, which is key for shaping.


The temperature affects how fast the briquettes are produced, their density, how they look, and their overall quality. Different types of raw materials require different temperatures. For hardwood, a temperature of around 350℃ is usually suitable.

If the temperature is too low, the lignin won’t soften enough, and it can be difficult to produce briquettes. The molding cylinder might get blocked. Too high a temperature, however, can cause the surface of the briquettes to carbonize, making it harder for the material to form a solid structure. Even if they do form, they might not be dense enough. In extreme cases, a carbonized layer can form on the inside of the molding machine, making it difficult to remove the finished briquettes.

Operating Procedures For Wood Briquette Machine

  1. Ensure all bolts are securely tightened.
  2. Check the lubricating parts for proper lubrication.
  3. Verify the power voltage and current are within normal range.
  4. Start the machine and run it unloaded for 30 minutes. If there are no issues like jamming or bumping, you can proceed with loading materials.
  5. Set the temperature to the required level. Once the temperature reaches the set point, start feeding the materials.
  6. Initially, feed a small amount of material and gradually increase the feeding rate until you achieve quality briquettes. If the machine operates normally for 30 minutes, consider the test successful and proceed with regular production.
  7. Before stopping the machine, empty the feeding hopper and run it in reverse for one minute to clear any remaining material.

Precautions For Producing Wood Briquettes

  1. Before starting, manually rotate the belt pulley to check for any blockages.
  2. Ensure the bolts on the heating tube are tightened, especially the three supporting screws.
  3. After continuous operation, empty the hopper before stopping the machine and run it in reverse for one minute before shutting it down.
  4. If the screw propeller stops rotating, immediately stop the machine, run it in reverse, clear the material in the hopper, and increase the temperature again.
  5. Direct the discharging end of the machine towards a wall and place a plank in front to prevent briquettes from hitting the wall directly.
  6. Avoid standing in front of the outlet when the machine is operating.
  7. Keep the electric circuit dry and clean, and always turn off the power after stopping the machine.
  8. Strictly prohibit the entry of stones and iron chips into the feeding hopper. Stop the machine immediately if any abnormal phenomenon occurs.
  9. Lubricate all necessary parts every two months.
  10. Ensure the machine is properly grounded before starting it.
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